Prayer, Care, Share


In today’s American context I’m thinking, is it easy to pray less, easy to care less, and to share less! I don’t have research to support my claim, it’s my question! Is this hypothesis true? Hear the following:

The scenarios you are about to read can easily be the reality for many Americans. These are made-up situations.

A single mother says, “I don’t have much if anything to share considering I lost my job at the restaurant and have been unemployed for months. I am struggling to pay my rent. I can feed my children barely, due to the nearby food pantry and generous people we have something to eat each day.” What about the family business that was vandalized by the riots in the summer; they lost their life’s savings opening that business. Maybe you are feeling the pressures of life right now because the country is divided in half and you don’t know what to think or believe anymore. The tension is real! These and many other situations are the reality for so many in our country. Would these products pray, care, and share, or the opposite?

In the United States, 10 million people are unemployed according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It would not be a stretch to find people in any given present-day struggle.

“The crime rate is at 366.7 per 100,000 inhabitants”, says Statista. It’s no wonder people are apprehensive to care for others for fear of…, because of…! Are we becoming calloused to the bleak plight of the struggling, marginalized, disenfranchised? Could the by-product of the high crime rate, pandemic, and the rise of deaths in our cities be a paralyzing fear or more like indifference?

At this time in history, and in our present-day context, the inherent need for prayer, care, and sharing is evident and necessary. What is your posture and practice of prayer, or do you barely care?

The Global Church and Christians are taking radical positions on prayer; upholding the biblical mandate to pray? I believe this time calls for it more than ever before.

Ask yourself, “what is my level of care for others? Christians should lead the way in volunteerism, developing non-profit organizations, holding political positions, fighting against unjust practices, etc. There are countless ways to care and share our time, talents, and treasures in the name of Jesus Christ! If we are to combat my hypothesis that people are doing less in the way of prayer, care, and share then I am suggesting that we begin with Prayer! I promise that God will place someone on your heart when you earnestly seek Him. In the meanwhile serve in your local church, community, or family; don’t hesitate any longer. You should not want it said of you that you stood on the sidelines afraid! Any amount of service is better than no service at all. Don’t minimize the impact that you can have on any given life.

God says, “if we who are Christians know how to do good, and do it not; then that is sin.” (James 4:17) “Let’s consider how we (Christ-followers) can encourage, motivate one another to love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24)

I merely want to encourage us all! Take small intentional steps toward the spiritual disciplines of prayer, considering others more important (caring), and sharing because the benefits are far-reaching. Any amount of prayer, care, and sharing will have compounded impact and the eternal ripples that last forever!

Be a Blessing!


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