Grace Alive is a Catalyst in Our Family’s Spiritual Growth


We had recently returned from what could have been arguably the biggest ‘leap of faith’ in our professional careers we had ever taken. Moving a family of 5 across the states from Florida to California, then back to Florida all within 1 year was no small feat. Especially considering the emotional and psychological effects of relocating itself, let alone twice in such a short period. With this being on our plate we felt the weight and necessity of being plugged into a solid local church. While various aspects of life seemed to be in continuous motion, the one constant we had was Christ, the solid rock in whom are hope is built. This is where me and my wife decided we would build our house… not Florida or Cali but upon Christ! Towards the end of Chapter 7 in Matthew Jesus talks about two different foundations in which homes are built. Verse 25 reads “The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock.” I believe this is telling how we could persevere and why we can continue to this day by God’s grace.

The local church has instilled this within us and specifically Grace Alive has been a catalyst in our family’s spiritual growth. Being able to model for our kids the importance of church membership and attendance for the sake of our souls and not solely as a weekly checkbox task has been rewarding. This has given way to conversations surrounding our daily need for the Gospel while carrying our crosses with help of the Holy Spirit. Practically, this has become tangibly visible for us as well. I, myself, have been highly encouraged in seeing my wife utilize her hospitality gift of service through singing on the praise team. This in turn has required more from me regarding the care of our kids during these times which has allowed me to serve our family in a slightly adjusted role. The beautiful thing about this, is that it allows me to not only walk out a service model for her in front of our children while letting them participate alongside me, but when she is flourishing in her gifts’ I am all the more encouraged to continue the mission and the call to lead my family well.


From personal connections we have had and are continuing to make down to the Gospel Centered teaching our kids are receiving within children’s ministry, the impact Grace Alive has had on my family is immeasurable. I’m often asked by friends with young kids how do we get our kids to behave in church, in which I jokingly respond, we don’t… they’ve got enough Aunties and Uncles around to straighten them out. There’s a lot of truth often said in jest, but the point is that we are not like a family, but we are a family at GA. With this we are looking forward to continuing this journey as long as the Lord allows and are praying for other families who are walking similar paths that they may experience the incredible richness of Grace that God provides to his children through the local body!


Gospel Prayer Warriors


Joy No Matter What